What is Justice without war?
How can someone pray for justice without war? There already is war and as of yet we are not fighting back. Would this person have prayed for justice without war in 1940 as the Germans rolled blitzkrieg thru Europe and then cried "God Bless America!" when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?
I don't have time for people that are only patriotic when the passion is aroused. I have that passion ALL THE TIME. That passion has been a part of me since 1989 when some very hard-core first-class petty officers in Orlando, Florida taught me what patriotism is; now that I am a first class petty officer too and that passion burns so hot that I can hardly sit in my desk because I have the overwhelming desire to be a part of the undoing of every organization that reigns terror throughout the world. I don't want revenge or retribution, and I don't want to kill civilians. I want the terrorism to stop everywhere, not just in New York, not just in the West Bank, not just in Northern Ireland, EVERYWHERE. That is what Operation Infinite Justice is about. That is what I am about, and that is what every single person anywhere in this world that treasures freedom and honors those that have died in the pursuit of freedom ought to be about. We didn't declare war on Japan and Germany until they attacked that freedom that I treasure and honor. And we didn't declare war on terrorism until America was wounded right smack in the middle of the heart. But American spirit doesn't reside only in the heart, it is in the soul too, and the soul is everywhere and nowhere and can't be destroyed by anyone. If those that hate America were capable of understanding that, they never would have brought this war to American soil. America is about freedom, and I support an extremeist's right to hate whomever he wants to. But you, Mr. Terrorist, have stepped over the line and now we are not going to respect your rights, your homes, your buildings or anything that remotely touches your life. We are going to take it away from you. We are going to make war on you like you have never dreamed of, and we aren't going to stop until there is nothing left of you to make war on. Then we are going to keep going, and take away your ability to re-create anything of the sort. It is over for you Mr. Terrorist. I don't care who you are.
There can be no justice without war - justice is gone right now, and can only be revived by taking away the ability of those that hate freedom and justice and the American spirit from ever creating the terror that killed justice. When they are gone, justice will return.