"I wish someone would explain this correctly."
Since I have the ability to instantly translate what people say into what they actually mean, I will share said translation of the above with you now.
"I don't get it. Can you try explaining it to me in a different way?"
I explain things the best I can, and I have had communications classes from high school, college and the military. I was a Toastmaster, I know how to tailor a message to the audience. I am not saying I am perfect, but what I am saying is this:
"If you don't get it, try to at least entertain the notion that it might be YOU, and not just your perception that I am incapable of the 'correct' explanation."
I'm just sayin...
Update: Dad read it and we should probably credit to the guys he first heard it from.
I first heard that thought on Monday night football, prolly more than thirty years ago--Dan Dierdoof said it to Howard Cosell when Howard had carried on for three quarters on how badly X team was playing. "Howard, you don't think those other guys may possibly have something to do with that?"